Equipment List


Dissolved air flotation (DAF) clarifier of KWI

This is the sole equipment from Europe, the first time in Viet Nam, retention time and size are 10 times smaller compared to other equipment in the market, highly efficient and chemical saving. With the product line will be presented at number A19 booth - VIETWATER 2017, held from 8 to 10 Nov 2017 in Ho Chi Minh City:

Minicell ®

Dissolved air flotation (DAF) clarifier for small flow applications



The Minicell is the simplest and the smallest DAF clarifier in the KWI product line. It is designed for small flows.









Main advantages:

- Simple operation.

- Excellent performance with “difficult” and “ fragile” sludge quality - the sludge blanket does not move and the risk of having “sinking flocs” is negligi le (the sludge is not pushed to the sludge extraction device as the spiral scoop is travelling around the sludge blanket) .

- 3 different tank heights available (choice according to the application).

Main applications:

- Excess biological sludge  clarification  and  thickening  before  further  de-watering   (for small installations) (e xcellent application in case of biological phosphorous removal. This reduce also the polymer consumption in the sludge de-watering system).

- Industrial effluents from the food industry in combination with chemical treatment.

- Industrial low flow effuent.

The tank and the construction of the MINICELL can be adapted to the application and to the effluent.

The depth of the tank varies according to the type of the effluent, the inlet solid concentration and the requirements of the application (clarification with or without chemicals, sludge thickening,...)

MINICELL is available in 10 sizes from 16 to 450 m3/h.

MNC 12 - Cheese making effluent

* The maximum flow includes recycle flow and is dependent on suspended solids loading and the application!



Max. flow (m3/h) * Motor scoop (kW) Motor carriage (kW)  

ø A (mm)


B ( mm)

Weight tons (full of water)
MNC 6 16 0,25 - 1850 1000/1500 3/4,3
MNC 8 34 0,25 - 2400 1000/1500 5/7,2
MNC 10 60 0,37 - 3200 1000/1500/2000 8/11,5/15
MNC 12 90 0,55 - 3900 1000/1500/2000 12/18/24
MNC 15 115 0,55 - 4500 1000/1500/2000 15/23/31
MNC 18 180 0,75 0,75 5500 1500/2000 34/46
MNC 20 220 0,75 0,75 6100 1500/2000 42/57
MNC 22 250 1,5 1,5 6700 1500/2000 51/68
MNC 24 300 1,5 1,5 7200 1500/2000 60/85
MNC 30 450 2,2 2,2 9000 1500/2000 108/140


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Sedicell ®

Dissolved air flotation (DAF) clarifier for sludge thickening

Mechanically simple and robust construction combined with sophisticated hydraulic design allows constant and reliable performance in any conditions.     with sophisticated hydraulic design allows constant and reliable performance in any condit          combined      with sophisticated hydraulic design allows constant and reliable performance in any conditions.





Main advantages:

- High floated sludge consistency is easy to achieve and maintain even without polymer.

- Low sensitivity to variations in flow and quality of the influent.

- Excellent performance with “difficult” and “ fragile” sludge quality The sludge  lanket does  not move and the risk of having “sinking flocs” is negligi le (the sludge is not pushed to the sludge extraction device as the spiral scoop is travelling around the sludge blanket).

Main applications:

- Excess biological sludge thickening before further de-watering (excellent application in case of biological phosphorous removal or for large amounts of excess sludge. This also reduces the polymer consumption in the sludge de-watering system).

- Biological sludge clarification after aeration tanks gives the possibility to raise the concentration in the aeration tanks up to 8-10 g/l.

- The construction of the SEDICELL allows fabrication of the tank in stainless steel or in concrete.

The sludge extraction can be controlled automatically with a sludge blanket controller. This allows fully automatic operation of the entire installation while maintaining optimal operating conditions.

SEDICELL is available in 18 sizes from 2,4 to 20 m diameter.

SDC 49 - Biological sludge thickening

SDC 36 - Concentrating sludge from biofilter

* The maximum flow includes recycle flow and is dependend on suspended solids loading and the application!

Type Max. f low

(m3/h) *

Motor scoop


Motor carriage


ø A (mm) B ( mm)
SDC 8 34 0,15 0,15 2400 2850
SDC 10 60 0,25 0,25 3200 2850
SDC 12 90 0,55 0,37 3900 3300
SDC 15 115 0,55 0,37 4500 3300
SDC 18 180 0,75 0,75 5500 3300
SDC 20 220 1,1 1,1 6100 3300
SDC 22 250 1,1 1,1 6700 3300
SDC 24 300 1,1 1,1 7200 3300
SDC 27 380 1,1 1,1 8100 3300
SDC 30 470 1,1 1,1 9000 3300
SDC 33 570 1,1 1,1 10000 3300
SDC 36 700 1,5 1,5 11000 3300
SDC 40 850 1,5 1,5 12200 3300
SDC 44 1000 1,5 1,5 13400 3300
SDC 49 1250 1,5 1,5 14800 3600
SDC 55 1500 1,5 1,5 16700 3600
SDC 65 2000 2,2 2,2 19700 3600
SDC 68 2200 2,2 2,2 20400 3600


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Unicell ®

Horizontal dissolved air flotation (DAF) clarifier for highly concentrated effluents with the typical specifications:

  • Excellent efficient in separating grease compared to other products.

  • High retention time and special hydraulic design allows operation without chemicals

  • Easy to clean

Download catalog Unicell

Supercell ®

Very high flowrate dissolved air flotation (DAF) clarifier



Zero velocity” water distri ution/ recovery concept allows the perfect clarification of very high flows with minimum hydraulic turbulence in a tank with only 400 mm water depth.







Main advantages:

- Very shallow tank - only 950 mm with 400 mm of water depth.

- Excellent solution for high flows.

- High clarification  efficiency with  moderate  polymer  consumption due to “zero velocity” concept.

- Low weight loading -700 g/m2 only.

- Very low retention time - less than 3 minutes.

Main applications:

- All process water clarification in the paper industry (white wate r, de-inking, final effluent ...).

- High flow industrial effluents.

- Tertiary treatment.

The “Dou le Rotary Joint” is a recommended option for large units, improving the pressurised water distri ution and avoiding u le coalescence and “air losses” in low conductivity or low temperature effluents.

SUPERCELL is available in 19 sizes from 16 to 2500 m3/h.


SPC 27 - Glass factory effluent

SPC 70 – Paper mill

* The maximum flow includes recycle flow and is dependent on suspended solids loading and the application!

Type Max. flow (m3/h) * Motor scoop (kW) Motor

carriage (kW)

ø A (mm) B (mm) Weight tons (full of water)
SPC 6 16 0,25 0,25 1850 755 2,2
SPC 8 34 0,25 0,25 2500 850 4
SPC 10 60 0,37 0,37 3200 850 6,4
SPC 12 90 0,55 0,55 3900 900 9,1
SPC 15 120 0,75 0,75 4500 950 13
SPC 18 180 0,75 0,75 5500 950 20
SPC 20 220 1,1 1,1 6100 950 23
SPC 22 264 1,1 1,1 6700 950 27,5
SPC 24 305 1,5 1,5 7200 950 31,5
SPC 27 386 1,5 1,5 8100 950 42,5
SPC 30 477 2,2 2,2 9000 950 49
SPC 33 588 2,2 2,2 10000 950 62,5
SPC 36 712 2,2 2,2 11000 950 75,5
SPC 40 876 2,2 2,2 12200 950 90
SPC 44 1056 3 3 13400 980 108
SPC 49 1290 4 4 14800 980 135
SPC 55 1660 4 4 16700 1050 185
SPC 62 2000 4 4 18900 1050 245
SPC 70 2500 5,5 5,5 21300 1050 300

Download catalog Supercell

Klaricell RJ ®

Dissolved air flotation and sand filtration clarifier



Unique combination of DAF clarification and double media sand filtration achieves excellent water quality in a single continuously operating clarifier.










Main advantages:

- Gives excellent filtered water quality using double media filter bed with fine sand.

- Accepts high inlet suspended solid concentration - up to 150 mg/ l.

- DAF clarification and filter media backwash are operated continuously at the same time.

- Does not require any external tanks for clean water or backwash water storage and further treatment - the water for backwash is provided internally and the backwash water is treated internally.

- Has only one single sludge outlet - filter media backwash sludge is removed and concentrated by flotation up to 1% minimum consistency.

Main applications:

- Surface water treatment to potable quality.

- Algae removal from water streams for municipal or industrial use

- Process water preparation.

- Process water recycling.

- Heavy metals removal (Cd, Ni, ...)

- Tertiary treatment.

KLARICELL RJ is available in 11 sizes for flows from 120 to 1480 m3/h

KLC 27- River water treatment for Russian paper mill


KLC 24 - Process water treatment textile industry

* The maximum flow includes recycle flow and is dependent on suspended solids loading and the application!



Max. flow (m3/h) * Motor scoop (kW) Motor carriage (kW)  

ø A (mm)


B (mm)

Weight tons (full of water)
KLC 20 120-200 1,1 1,1 6100 2300 8 2
KLC 22 145-235 1,1 1,1 6700 2300 9 8
KLC 24 175-280 1,1 1,1 7300 2300 112
KLC 27 220-360 1,1 1,1 8300 2300 146
KLC 30 260-440 2,2 4 9200 2300 175
KLC 33 320-520 2,2 4 10000 2300 210
KLC 36 370-630 2,2 2,2 11000 2300 255
KLC 40 460-770 2,2 2,2 12200 2300 310
KLC 44 560-920 3 3 13400 2300 375
KLC 49 710-1170 4 4 15000 2300 460
KLC 55 880-1480 4 4 16800 2300 575

Download catalog Klaricell

Megacell V ®


Sophisticated, patented technology and use of “U” shaped elements provide maximum flow- rate per surface area of footprint.







Main advantages:

- Extremely low footprint versus flow- rate

- High energy efficiency-very high level of

- Reduces polymer consumption to the minimum by achieving optimal flocculation with extended mixing time in presence of air bubbles and polymer

Main applications:

- White water clarification and fibre recovery in the paper industry.

- Clarification with significantly lower pressurisation rate compared to traditional DAF clarifiers.

- Clarification of de-inking effluents.

- Clarification of industrial effluents in combination with physical-chemical treatment.

The heart of the MEGACELL V is a vertical range of special “U” shaped elements that alows the use of both co-current and counter-current lamella clarification. The result is a  very  high hyd raulic and solids capacity with e xcellent clarification efficiency occupying a minimal footprint.

The MEGACELL V is extremely simple from a mechanical point of view - there is one single motor driving the spiral scoop and the carriage. There are no other moving parts.

MEGACELL V units are available in 8 sizes for flows from 100 to 1250 m3/h

UNC 50 - Fats removal food industry

UNC 15 - Fats removal food industry

* The maximum flow includes recycle flow and is dependent on suspended solids loading and the application!



Max. flow (m3/h) *  

Motor (kW)


A (mm)


B (mm)


C (mm)

Weight tons (full of water)
UNC 10 12 1,1 4400 3000 1400 6,5
UNC 15 18 1,1 4400 3000 1500 7
UNC 20 24 1,1 5300 3000 2000 10,5
UNC 30 36 1,1 5400 3000 2500 12,7
UNC 40 48 1,5 5500 3000 2500 17
UNC 50 60 1,5 6150 3000 2500 22,4
UNC 70 84 1,5 8200 3000 2500 31,8
UNC 90 108 1,5 10200 3000 2500 41,5
UNC 110 132 1,5 10200 3000 3000 52
UNC 140 168 1,5 10200 3000 3350 76


Download catalog Megacell V

Megacell H ®

Super efficient horizontal dissolved air flotation (DAF) clarifier




Sophisticated, patented technology and use of “U” shaped elements provide maximum flowrate per surface area and flowrate per unit of capital investment.









Main advantages :

- Extremely compact and efficient clarifier - with surface hyd raulic loading rate up  to  30  m/  h.

- Lower capital cost versus traditional rectangular units for equal flows.

- Highly energy efficient - very high level of clarification with significantly lower pressurisation rate compared to         t raditional DAF clarifiers.

- Minimises polymer consumption by optimising flocculation with extended mixing time in presence of air bubbles and polymer.

Main applications :

- White water clarification and fibre recovery in the paper industry.

- Clarification of de-inking effluents.

- Clarification of food and industrial effluents in combination with physical-chemical treatment.

- Biological tertiary treatment.

The heart of the MEGACELL H is a horizontal range of special “U” shaped elements that allows the use of both co-current and counter-current lamella clarification. The result is a very high hyd raulic and solids capacity with e xcellent clarification efficiency.

The MEGACELL H is equipped with a high performance and mechanically strong floated sludge removal device. The scraping and the sludge extraction are separated in order to provide optimal fulfilment of these functions. This combination avoids the use of rubber gaskets commonly used in conventional scrapers pushing and extracting the floated sludge.

MEGACELL H are typically equipped with a bottom scraper. The device is designed for maximum efficiency with practically no maintenanc

MEGACELL H units are available in 13 sizes for flows from 25 to 1000 m3/h r.

MCH 30 - Dairy

MCH 30 - Effluent treatment paper mill

*The maximum flow includes recycle flow and is dependent on suspended solids loading and the application!

Type Max. flow ( m3/h) * Motor (kW) A (mm) B ( mm) C ( mm) Weight tons (full of water)
MCH 2 25 0,37 3000 2800 1700 2,5
MCH 4 50 0,37 3800 2900 1700 4,5
MCH 6 75 0,37 3900 2900 2000 8
MCH 8 100 0,37 4000 3000 2500 11,5
MCH 12 150 1,1 4600 3000 2500 14,5
MCH 20 250 1,5 6200 3000 2500 22
MCH 25 312 1,5 7600 3000 2500 28
MCH 30 375 1,5 8600 3000 2500 35
MCH 40 500 1,5 10600 3000 2500 44
MCH 50 625 1,5 10800 3000 3000 52
MCH 60 750 1,5 11400 3150 3400 66
MCH 80 1000 1,5 + 0,75 11500 3350 4600 88


Download catalog Megacell H

KS Filter ®

Continuous backwash sand filter.



Backwash device that allows flexibility and reliability in operation.













Main advantages:

- Gives excellent filtered water quality using double backwash device.

- Simple and maintenance free operation.

- Complete peripheral equipment and accessories allows perfect operational control and fine setting of the backwash.

Main applications:

- Surface water treatment to potable quality.

- Tertiary treatment.

- Process water preparation.

- Process water recycling.

- Algae removal.

The backwash of  the sand is  the most important process parameter for this type of filter.

The sand is taken from the bottom and is pumped by an airlift into the washing chamber. From there it falls back on the top of the sand bed.

The quality of the filtered water depends on the size of the sand and on the sand backwash rate. Therefore the KS FILTER is equipped with a sophisticated and carefully sized double  backwash facility. This design allows a wide variation and fine setting of the backwash parameters.

Eight sizes available: 1,5 to 7 m2 filtration area with 1 or 2 m deep sand filter.

KSF 5-1 - Turnkey drinking water project

KSF 5-2 - Tertiary treatment dephosphorylation



Filtration area (m2)  

ø A (mm)


B (mm)

Weight tons (full of


KSF 1,5-1 1,5 1400 4200 6
KSF 1,5-2 1,5 1400 5200 8
KSF 3-1 3 2000 5000 18
KSF 3-2 3 2000 6000 23
KSF 5-1 5 2500 5000 31
KSF 5-2 5 2500 6000 39
KSF 6-1 6 2800 5500 38
KSF 6-2 6 2800 6500 48
KSF 7-1 7 3000 5900 44
KSF 7-2 7 3000 6900 55

 Download catalog KS Filter

Water and wastewater pump


Grundfos - Denmark; Ebara -Italy; Shinmaywa -Japan; Saer - Italy; Tsurumi - Japan, Pentax - Italy; DAB - Italy;


Pumping clean water, wastewater, turbochargers, cooling systems, equalization systems, washing systems, RO systems and apply in the industry.


  • Flowrate: 40 l/min - 1200 l/min
  • Head: 3,2 m - 206 m
  • Power: 1 Hp - 30 Hp
  • Voltage: 3 phase - 380 voltage

Air Blower


Anlet - Japan; Shinmaywa - Japan; Tsurumi - Japan; Taiko - Japan; Hey Wel - Taiwan...


Supply air to waste water treatment system, hydraulic pools and many other applications in industry.


  • Flowrate: 0,86 m3/min - 210 m3/min
  • Head: 9,8 kPa - 60 kPa
  • Power: 0,7 Kw - 139 Kw
  • Voltage: 3 phase - 380 voltage

Chemical dosing pump


OBL - Italy; Blue White - USA; Pulsafeeder - USA; DOSEEURO - Italy...


Chemical Dosing in water and wastewater treatment system, production& applications and in the industry.


  • Flowrate: 5 l/hr - 155 l/hr
  • Head: 6 bar - 12 bar
  • Power: 200 W
  • Voltage: 1 phase - 220 voltage


Dissolved air flotation clarifier and filtration for ground water

Flotofilter was developed based on the KWI experiences collected with the Sandfloat BP and the Klaricell installations.



The new flotofilter implements the same combined clarification filtration technology as the previous circular units, but the design is adapted to rectangular concrete tanks and large flow rates.









Thanks to an innovative concept, flotofilter performs a two-stage clarification process in one single tank: DAF clarification (ideal to remove SS) + Single or double granular media filtration (achieves excellent filtered water quality) = A combination of 2 complementary water purification technologies!

Main advantages:

  • Economical and compact

- Integrating 5 processes in one machine: coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, flotation and filtration.

- Small footprint: compared to gravity settling tank plants (old technology widely used in Asia), KWI systems can be 10 times smaller. Optimizing building space, quantities of pipes, electrical lines makes flotofilter suitable for plants with limited space.

- Saving up to 40% of chemicals use, compared to the traditional technology.

- Saving up to 50% of cost for storaging sludge compared to the traditional technology. Flotofiletr ensures, in fact, higher solids sludge production. Flotofilter, providing clarification in an activated sludge process, will produce a sludge with a solids content in the 2-5% TS range. Compared to the sludge from a gravity clarifier (0.5-1.5% TS), the sludge volume generated by flotofilter will typically be 1/4th to 1/10th of the volume generated by a gravity clarifier.

- Rate of recovery water up to 100%

  • Reliability

- Treating water with high suspended solids, turbidity and fluctuation of the input water

- A great solution to remove algae and organic, heavy metals as s, Fe, P , Cr…which is not treated by traditional technology.

  • Flexibility 

- With a smart sensor system, each unit can operate particularly each process as coagulation, floccutation, flotation and filtration or connect them together depending on the composition of input water. This solution can retrench operating costs for investors

- Sludge from treating backwashed water do not require thickening. They can be leaded into the sludge process

Main applications:

Drinking or industrial water production; first step of clarification of large fresh or sea water flows, including coagulation and flocculation processes. Tertiary treatment for hard COD and phosphorus removal. Flotofilter can treat water from surface water sources.

  • Treating water from well water
  • Very effective in tertiary treatment for removing COD, heavy metals and phosphorus

The common FLOTOFILTER technology combines units to operate continuously and expand module easily

Picture 1:Water plant withcapacity267.000 m3 per day usingFLOTOFILTERin Astana (Capital of Kazakhstan)


Picture 2 Water treatment system Guadalajara - Mexico, capacity 163.200 m3 per day